Interior Design meets Glass: Welcoming Students at Glass Point
Last week we were happy to have interior design students from the University of economy and culture visiting Glass Point for a presentation about the prospects of glass. They were introduced to the technical possibilities of the material and got to brainstorm their own ideas.
Children Creating Art: Collaboration with Bullseye Glass
Sometimes, children have the truest view on the world - this can make them great artists. Glass Point wants to give these small creative minds the chance to shine. On the 2nd of June we will start a new project in cooperation with Bullseye Glass, that has the goal to visualize children’s ideas and turn them into an actual artwork!
Looking back at the „Glass Skin“ masterclass by Garcia Nash
In March 2019 we were proud to welcome Gracia Nash in our Glasspoint Studio in Riga. The New York glass and multi media artist hosted a six-day Masterclass. With the help of Nash, the participants got to create their own glass sculptures through flame working and glass fusing. Newcomers to the art of glass were able to learn and experiment alongside experienced artists - and not just about techniques and technical details!
meistarklase Glass Point studijā
Projektā “Imagining Sustainable Glass Network Europe”/ISGNE
Artist/ Māksliniece Gracia Nash
To open our minds and souls, Glass Point studio invites to experience multi-media and glass artist Gracie’s workshop. Participants will explore a new way of creating small-scale glass sculpture through the combination of flameworking (borosilicate) and glass fusing (soft glass). Sculptures will be built up by attaching small sheets of fused frit onto a flame worked internal structure. Participants will learn basic flameworking and fusing techniques and share their final pieces in a pop-up exhibition at the end of the class.CONNECTED DRAWINGS
meistarklase Glass Point studijā
Projektā “Imagining Sustainable Glass Network Europe”/ISGNE
Māksliniece Meng Du (Moe Du)
Glass Point studija aicina iepazīt stikla mākslas valodu un piedalīties īpašā, nedēļu garā meistarklasē kopā ar topošajiem profesionālajiem māksliniekiem ikvienu interesentu, it īpaši tos, kam nav iepriekšējās pieredzes darbā ar stiklu. Meistarklase ļaus iepazīt stikla apgleznošanas idejas un mākslas darba koncepta izveides pamatus, piedzīvot sava mākslas darba rašanos profesionālas mākslinieces paspārnē. Nedēļas laikā izveidotie darbi tiks izstādīti īpašā pop-up izstādē.